Life Keeps Moving Forward

My posts on this blog have been fairly sparse. I seem to go through seasons where I don’t really want to say anything. This has been another one of them. I still feel like I’m in that season. I just wanted anyone interested to know that this blog isn’t dead.

Life keeps moving forward. Like most people, I spend the majority of my waking moments at work. And I try to follow Christ there the best that I can. I try to be a man filled with integrity and care for people. I try to spend my remaining time with Deb and my kids with some photography sprinkled in. That’s a basic summary of my life right now and I’m at peace with it.

I feel like I’m in a liminal space, transitioning from one phase of life to another. In that space, certain aspects have become very precious to me. 

For example, time with my kids has become priceless. Michael got married in Oct 2020. Catherine got engaged and moved out in Nov 2020. Danielle started dating a great guy. And Chris is leaving California in less than two weeks to embark on the next phase of his life. So whatever time I can spend with them is invaluable to me. I’m trying to soak in these last moments before they’re gone to live their lives and pursue their dreams.

Time with Debbie is also precious. She spends weekdays caring for her dad. She doesn’t get home until late evening. So the only time I can see her during the week is about 30 minutes after work when I meet her to walk her dad’s dog at the park.

I’m still reading, but not as much as I used to do. I’m obviously not writing anywhere near the consistency of prior years. And while I’m still taking photos, I’ve become unwilling to post my images on social media. These images are very dear to me and I’m unwilling to share them.

I know it’s a cliche, but there really is only so much time in the day. I’ve squandered so much of it over the years pursing goals I thought were important. But as our home slowly empties, I’ve realized, with much regret, those pursuits weren’t truly important. So I’m trying to spend the time on the people and things most important to me.

Here I am standing on a threshold. Part of me is in awe and celebrating the culmination of raising children. Another part of me is deeply mourning the end of this phase of our family as life keeps moving forward.

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